Complexion Analysis Scan with the VISIA system showing 8 photos.


A skin rash is the body’s alert message that something is wrong that needs to be fixed. Dr. Darling understands rashes and can help you determine the causes and the available treatments. Rashes take many forms but typically they consist of itchy, red bumps or scaly skin that appear all over a person’s body, and stem from many different causes:

  • Allergy to certain foods, environments or pets
  • Touching poisonous plants
  • Using certain household detergents, sunscreens, hair products, cosmetics and fabrics such as latex
  • Symptoms of infections such as chicken pox, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, sexually transmitted diseases or parasites

Types of Rashes

There are a wide variety of rashes that affect each individual in a unique way. Here are a few to be aware of:

  • Ringworm: a fungal infection that appears as itchy, red, scaly, slightly raised rings on the body
  • Contact dermatitis: contact with cleaning chemicals might result in a dry, scaly rash with burning itch or pain
  • Drug rash: side effect of a drug or allergic reaction to a medication such as an antibiotic. It begins as red spots and spreads to large areas of the body
  • Heat rash: occurs when the sweat flow is stopped because of hot, humid weather or tight clothes. It results in clusters of small red, stinging bumps

Rash Treatment

Most rashes can be treated at home with gentle skin care and by avoiding certain substances that may cause irritation. But if they are more severe and persist for more than four weeks, contact our office so we can help you find the best treatment options, such as:

  • Fungal infections such as ringworm or yeast infections: topical or oral antifungal medications
  • Viral infections such as herpes: oral medications or an intravenous antiviral medication
  • Bacterial infections: penicillin and antibiotics
  • Noninfectious rashes, such as drug allergies: stopping the drug, or using topical or oral steroids

Rash Prevention

There are many simple ways to steer clear of frustrating rashes:

  • Learn what poisonous plants look like, so they can be avoided
  • Avoid contact with the allergy-causing products or situations
  • Take short, cool showers because too much soap and hot water will dry out skin
  • Moisturize skin with lotions or creams
  • Refrain from scratching or roughly rubbing the skin
  • Avoid chemicals that may result in skin irritation